Radishes, you know the little red round veggies you used to avoid like the plague. The salads they got pushed to the side and neglected. We all were there at one time, they have a little bite or spice action to their taste, but this root veggie takes on a life of its own with a little heat addition. They have an earthy taste (more if you dont wash them), once they’re cooked. I find that par-boiling them is the best option for the cooking process before finishing them off in a roasting pan, on the grill, or cold in a potato salad… or is it fotato salad? From that salad to salad toppers as radish chips, or roasted parmesan radishes for steak!

This root comes mostly in the red form, but you can also get a white variety, that is normally easier to get through a farmers market than the grocer. Ask me how I know, the grocer told me radishes are only red…. me- 1 mind blown grocer- 0. But enough about that intellectual win. These radishes are rad. they behave simular to potatoes but dont crumble under pressure. They are very simular in looks to red potatoes, so in most dishes folks assume the carb laiden potatoes must be in the dish. But it couldn’t be farther than the truth. The average radish has around .25 carb per medium radish, so you can have your fotato and eat them too. A cup of sliced radishes is about 2 net carbs total. That is something you can sink your teeth in, huh?

Roasted Parmesan Radishes, these were done originally for a great side dish for steak, they are served with the coffee brown butter and the coffee steak rub. The nutty flavor of the parmesan paired with the nutty flavor of the brown butter for the steak. Check it out here. Heres the run down, wash the radishes well. Cube to quarters and pt into a pad with just enough water to cover your radishes. Start them to boil and then down to a simmer, add in 1 tbs of butter per serving of radishes 1/2-1 cup each. as the water evaporated and the radishes become softening the butter will saute the radishes and they will further soften. Once they are softened, stir well over medium heat. They begin to brown with the butter stiring them up add in approximently two – three tablespoons of parmesan shavings or fine grated. Fresh grated works best but you can use the canned stuff provided it isnt full of fillers and other ingredients that aren’t keto. This will quickly soak up and brown with the medium heat. You will be ready to plate as the cheese soaks up the butter. Try it over steak like we did, its awesome.
Parmesan Roasted Radishes
Radishes-8-9 medium per person
Tbs Butter per serving radishes
3Tbs Parmesan Cheese

Radish Chips, these are great on a salad as a crouton substitute or just in a bag as a snack, or like we like to do, a chex free chex mix. They bake up nicely but they can be done on a pan on the grill out back, they are simple to make and you can flavor them however you like. We do ours with the BBQ rub from the seasoning section. Mmmmmm! If you have the chef skills I don’t then you simply plank plank plank slice the radishes about 1/4 inch or so. If you’re like me, you’ll need a mandalin slicer. This one is awesome and does other great things too. But I digress, spread the slices out on a baking sheet and spritz with an oil lightly, we like this one, season and flip, season and bake or grill at 350 degrees until they start to brown. allow them to cool and enjoy these crunchy chips! As we said in the chex free chex mix. So good.

Radish chips
8-9 Radishes
seasoning of your choice- BBQ maybe?

Loaded Fotato Salad, This is summer time folks. We had it with an amazing paprika and garlic tenderloin. The leftover portion of loaded fotato salad made us realize its even better the second day allowing the flavors to meld. Its cool and refreshing and gives a great loaded baked potato flavor in cool salad form. Start it off the same as you would a regular potato salad, washing and cubing up the radishes in bite size pieces. Then into a boiling water to soften the radishes, now you can use a salted water, or try chicken broth. It takes the radishes over the top in this dish. As the radishes get to be fork tender, work on the dressing for the loaded fotato salad. its simple, your 4 servings of radishes will require 1.5 cup of sour cream, 1 tsp mustard, 1/4 mayo, cup of cheddar cheese, cup of chopped leftover bacon. Mix all excluding the radishes and add Celtic Sea salt and fresh cracked black pepper to taste. Drain and cool the radishes before incorporating into the dressing. chill for two to three hours up to 24 hours in advance.

Loaded Fotato Salad
4 servings of radishes
1.5 cup of sour cream
1/4 mayo
cup of cheddar cheese
1 tsp mustard
cup of chopped leftover bacon